Saturday, April 6, 2019

What is Infant Formula? Types and How to Prepare the Infant Formula

Infant formula is made from cows’ milk that is processed to meet certain standards to be appropriate to infants. Although there is a spectrum of brands in the market, they are mainly comprised of two types of proteins: casein and whey.

Types of Infants’ Formula

First Infant Formula

This is the first formula you give your newborn once they attain the age of 6 months. Give your baby this formula through the first year of life, then provide them with whole cow’s milk after one year of birth.

According to studies, this formula is best for newborns because it is based on whey in cow’s milk. This whey is easy to digest when compared to casein.

 Casein Infant Formula

This one is harder to digest when compared to first infant formula and that’s why it’s inappropriate to infants.

There are other casein-based baby formulas due to the explosive rise in formula manufacturers that are claimed to be of no benefit in infants. Just check the labels to see if it’s verified as first infant formula otherwise, you’ll end up picking the wrong formula if you’re not careful.

Soya Based Formulas

This type of formula is ideal to babies who are allergic to proteins in cow milk. Your doctor may recommend soya based formula but do not use it until it has been prescribed. Besides, your doctor may recommend a formula that’s utterly hydrolysed with proteins, and that’s why you should consult or talk with your doctor if your baby is allergic to specific formulas.

On the other hand, you’ll find two infant formulas- liquid and powdered infant formula. Liquid formula is ready-to- feed. It is safe and does not contain bacteria or microorganisms, reducing the possibility of infections. This formula is suitable to infants who are vulnerable to infections, weigh less at birth or those infants who are pre-term.

Unsused infant formula should be stored with the cut side upside down in a fridge and disposed after 24 hours.

Powdered formula needs some preparation with tap water. Here’s how to prepare the powdered baby formula:

1. Take a disinfected kettle and fill it with not less than 1 litre of fresh tap water. Boil this water and give it around 30 minutes to cool so that its temperature is not less than 70 degrees Celsius. (there are several ways to disinfect as I will explain below)

2. Place the bottle teat and cap on the upturned sterilizer lead and not on a dirty surface while you stand the bottle on a disinfected surface.

3. Next, put the correct amount of water as stated on the manufactures label. Scoop the formula also according to the scribbled instructions and level with a clean item like dry knife.

4. Pick the teat by the edge and screw with the ring. Use the cap to cover the teat and shake the solution vigorously until the all the powder has dissolved.

5. Make sure the formula is at body temperature. Cool the bottle if its hot by running cold water on the bottom half of the bottle. The water should not touch the teat cap.

6. Finally, feed your baby and dispose any remaining formula. Note though that you can store the feed in a fridge for not more than 24 hours. Dispose the feed if it was not kept at room temperature.

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